Realms of Elghrune & The Secret Dungeon Engine Third Party License
It’s an apparent fact that third party content breathes life into a game. We are thrilled that you are interested in Realms of Elghrune & The Secret Dungeon Engine to tell your stories. However, should you wish to publish your own content (whether it be for free or for commercial) there are a few rules to follow in order to claim compatibility. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt that much.
• If you adhere to these rules you may publish your content (adventures, dungeons, campaigns,
classes, perks, roll tables, creatures, races, items, NPC’s, & spells) for free or for commercial
based on Realms of Elghrune without express permission from Super Blood Moon Studios
• Do not touch the Dragons. I see you thinking about it, quit that. Beyond using them as quest
givers do not touch them at all. (Use the Drakes instead, we promise it will work)
• No one knows what a Nargaan looks like. Not even us. Do not for one second think you can
depict that in any content, period.
• Do not touch the Lore that is officially published by Realms of Elghrune. The content we
post builds a singular cohesive, living, breathing world & it would get confusing if you were
to dabble with it. You may, however, reference it.
• Do not reuse any art printed or released by Realms of Elghrune or SBMS unless you are the
original artist. You may use any items, races, spells, locations, organizations, or creatures we
have published if you wish.
• The mechanics & game rules of Realms of Elghrune may be reused or referenced freely AS
LONG AS credit is given to Realms of Elghrune or Super Blood Moon Studios.
• Your content can not use any official Realms of Elghrune logos or any official SBMS logos
• You are required to use the Community-made Content badge either inside the book or on
either the front or back cover.
• You’re not allowed to give the impression that this is an official Realms of Elghrune or
SBMS product or that we endorse or sponsor you in any way unless we’ve made special
arrangements with you.
• Realms of Elghrune or SBMS does not take any responsibility for any legal claims against
your product
• Any legal disputes, controversies or claims related to this license shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Alabama & will be settled by a court of
The following text must be included in the legal text, somewhere visible in the publication, and
on the website or storefront where you promote the product:
• [Product name] is an independent production by [Author or Publisher] and is not affiliated
with Realms of Elghrune or Super Blood Moon Studios. It is published under the Realms of
Elghrune Third Party License & is not official canon.
This copyright text must be legibly included somewhere in the product and on the storefront:
• Realms of Elghrune is copyrighted by Super Blood Moon Studios.
You may not make Realms of Elghrune NFT’s. Get over yourself & stop living in the past.
REMINDER: Be a good human. Do not include any material that is racist, sexist,
homophobic, trans-phobic, or anti-religious. All are welcome on the Dungeon Planet & if that’s a problem, find a new planet.
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