Hello all, we are pleased to show you our new website as we move into a new chapter of our time as Super Blood Moon Studios!
We have had some bumps in the road, oh that's for sure. But we have been carefully correcting the coarse of the ship to better reflect how we wanted to run this game in the first place. If you have stuck around this long, we thank God for you. If you are new, welcome to the Dungeon Planet!
We wanted to have a place we can post everything we do & create that won't be swallowed by an algorithm. Social media is a poison that infects all users & inhibits growth unless you follow a strict criteria & even then...good luck. We chose to make it our own way, where we can have one place to post everything. If you are planning on making something for public consumption it is SO important to have your own space on the internet. Social media is borrowed real estate & valueless
In the past year we have remade the Core Guide & changed up the system a decent bit to feel even better. It is no longer considered "rules lite" but it is still just as easy to learn & create a character. We have not really announced it because we just want to get on to making the stories & adventures & growing our games. This is what it should have been so we're moving forward.
Maybe some day we will feel confident enough in showing an actual roadmap of all the things we have planned, but things change so much in development that we don't like announcing something until it is basically done. Just know that even though we have a Kickstarter coming up we are already working on the next thing & it's closer to being finished than you think. With everything being made in-house now we can make things super fast so we're pushing that ball as fast as we can.
So thank you, for giving us your time. You won't regret it, I promise.
Cory from SBMS